Sunday, May 26, 2013

Spring Break Road Trip

2,550 miles

Every year for the past eight years my sister rents a condo in Florida for the months of January, February and March.

Every year for the past eight years we have been invited to visit.

Every year for the past eight years my spring break has been just after she returns home.

This year she needed to change her schedule and come to Florida for March and April.


Spring break was the first week of April. Yay!

On Good Friday Gary, Tracy (Baby D) and I left to drive to Florida.

Day 1 was to SC. This was a difficult day for Gary. His back was bothering him and he took some Motrin. After a couple doses of Motrin his back and stomach were bothering him. By the time we got to the hotel he was miserable, and very worried about the next day.

Day 2 was to Florida. Gary thought perhaps if he adjusted the seat it might help. He discovered that the air pillow in the back of the seat was inflated. He deflated that pillow and made a few other seat adjustments and all was well. No more back pain. Absolutely none! Thank You, God!

We watched the outside temperature climb the further south we drove.

60, 65, 70, 75!

Ah! Warmth, sunshine, green. We stopped at a Starbucks and sat in the wonderful sunshine drinking our coffee. Heaven.

A little over 1200 miles we arrived at my sister's condo.

After a long cold winter Florida is heaven on earth.

Piña Coladas
Beachfront Restaurants

Next year spring break is late in April. Ann will probably be back home.

Hmmm, the holiday weekend in February? Retire? How will I manage to get there next year?

The gorgeous place where I sat each morning, with my first cup of coffee of the day, and thanked God for my abundant life.

My sister Ann and her husband, my brother-in-law, Peter. I love these two!

Driving to Florida makes for great knitting time!

The view. :)



Today is...a bright,sunny, windy Sunday.

God, the wind is blowing strong. The wind is changing the weather. It is blowing in summer. Yay! What else is the wind blowing in? What else is the wind blowing out? Change is life. We cannot stop the wind. We cannot stop change. It is easier to go with the wind than to try to go against it. It is easier to go with change than to try to fight it. Sometimes we don't like the change, but we cannot stop it. So the best we can do for ourselves is to go with it and look for the blessings.