It's Vicki's 2nd annual meet and greet blog party!
Please click on the blue link to visit Vicki's amazing blog.
Thank you, Vicki!
Hi! I'm Terry! Welcome to my blog Sharing Divine Inspiration!
I started my blog in 2010. My reason for blogging back then was to share my passion for

needle felting,
and creating.
I started my blog in 2010. My reason for blogging back then was to share my passion for

needle felting,
and creating.
However, over the years my posts began to change. Although I still share my creative passions I began to also share other parts of my life that bring me joy.
My cats,
books I love,
music I love,
and the husband and children I adore!
My blog has become my story, and I really like that.
I like knowing that one day my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, etc. can log onto my blog and read my story.
I am a wife of 32 years to an amazing man, the mother of 25 year old quadruplets, an elementary special education teacher, a reader, a blogger, a knitter, a crocheter, a needle-felter, a walker, a home-body.
I am not a cook. I can cook, but I don't like to cook. I love anyone who will cook for me!
I am not a traveler. My favorite place in the whole wide world is Home Sweet Home.
I am not a runner. I used to be a runner, but my feet were about to bail out on me. I walk now. I much prefer walking over running. Now I get to see the beauty of this world that I used to run right past.
I am so grateful that you stopped by. Thank you!
I look forward to visiting your wonderful blogs.
With gratitude and joy,