March 2014 was the months of hats - - - in a variety of ways.
An 80 year old woman was attacked by a pit bull. She has been through a lot. The medication she is on is making her hair fall. She is embarrassed to go to church. Her daughter asked me if I would make her a hat. I was honored. She said she wanted a plain white hat, no embellishments, no rolling the hat rim.
She is going to church now.
God has blessed all of us with gifts and talents. I am grateful for mine. I am grateful that I can bless and serve others with my talents.
The students in the district I teach in enter a creative competition every year - Destination Imagination. Check it out here.
What the kids do at this event blows my mind! Every single one of them is amazing!
I have the honor of being a volunteer.
In an effort to make the kids a little less nervous, all of the appraisers wear silly hats.
This year the challenge I was an appraiser for was titled Laugh Art Loud.
I had a blast creating my hat, but I had a bigger blast volunteering at this event!
Hats off to every single participant!
Terrible selfie, but I want you to see the hat on my head.
Okay, this one isn't a hat, but it means a lot to me. Knitters don't often have others knit for them. However, my sister Ann knit this beautiful cowl for me. Every time I wear it I feel her love. Thank you, Ann! I hope those I knit for feel as loved as I do.

Wait. Yes, it could be a hat. A cowl can always be pulled up to cover one's head. :)
I take my hat off with abundant pride to my beautiful daughter Shannon.
From the nominations
her professors said they chose "the best of the best."
Shannon was inducted into Kappa Omicron Nu.
Shannon is "the best of the best."