Monday, January 16, 2012

Rainbows for All God's Children

       Have you heard about Rainbows? Rainbows is an international program for children ages 4-14 who have had a change in their family structure due to death or divorce. It is a completely free program. The purpose of Rainbows is to provide a safe place where children can talk about their feelings. There are trained facilitators who guide the children through a series of questions focusing on a different topic each evening. Some of the topics are: fears and worries, step families, death and divorce terminology and forgiveness. Rainbow groups meet once a week, for forty-five minutes, for fourteen weeks. If you know someone who could use this program please encourage them to visit

        Rainbow programs are always in need of facilitators. The training takes place on line, and once you are trained you are only asked to give one hour a week for fourteen weeks. I am a Rainbows facilitator. I have been working with Rainbows for a little over ten years. If you are seeking a way to bless and serve others, please consider Rainbows.

        Ten years ago, I was nudged by God to volunteer for Rainbows. When I was eight years old my mother died. She died at Christmas time and for thirty-five years I struggled every year to get through Christmas. At some point every year I would break down and cry. My husband helped me get through what seemed to be a difficult time that I would never get over. Having children of my own helped some, but there was still a lot of pain and tears. After being a Rainbows facilitator for about three years I realized one day, during the holidays, that I felt happy. There was no grief, no tears. I spoke to our Rainbows coordinator about it. She helped me to see how participating in this program healed me. That wasn't the purpose. I didn't get involved to help myself. Yet it just happened naturally. Each year, since I started to volunteer for Rainbows, I have enjoyed Christmas time more and more. This year Christmas was the most wonderful yet! It is impossible to bless and serve others without receiving blessings in return.

May God bless you abundantly,

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