Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Have Chosen to Become a Possibilitarian

Kelly Rae Roberts of http://kellyraeroberts.blogspot.com/ introduced to me to the word. Well, actually the wonderful Jo Packham of www.wherewomencreate.com introduced me to the word, and then led me to Kelly’s beautiful blog. (Thank you, Jo!)

Yesterday morning I was reading my copy of Daily Word, and what do I find as the reading for Monday, July 2?
“I engage in “possibility thinking” releasing thoughts of lack or limitation.”

Red heartI believe God is leading me to become a possibilitarian, and I say,
After all, Jesus was a possibilitarian. Smile
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  - Jesus as recorded in the Bible Matthew 19:26

Are you going to become a possibilitarian?

Coffee cupWith love, Terry